Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 43 and 44: Long days ahead

I'm sorry I'm doing this two-day update again, I got too tired yesterday I slept like a baby. Plus, the internet was really acting up so I slept early.

Yesterday was really challenging for me. We did a lot of practice navigating the tools so we could be ready for today's embedding session. We were given an activity for fifteen minutes to check how fast we could do the navigating. Unfortunately, the computer I was using was even slower than a turtle that I was only able to finish one task. I had to transfer stations just for me to be able to catch up. We also did a group mock call wherein I totally embarrassed myself by giving out an incorrect answer to my trainor. Two hours before our shift ended, we listened to some calls again and when I tried logging in, it just wouldn't work. My bad luck was on a roll yesterday that I felt really drained when I went home.

Today was fairly tolerable though. And when I use that description, it simply means, it's not good but also not as bad. For our embedding session, we were paired up because of the lack of computer stations. My buddy was the one who took in calls first which I think was a good thing because I was able to get some hints on how to go about taking calls. On the downside, it was actually prolonging my agony. When it was my turn, I did not have a problem with the navigation of the tools but I struggled with communicating to my customers. I don't think I did that well on my calls compared before. I just hope I get to learn more to push me to become better.

After a long day, I went out with some of my wavemates and I would say it was really awkward. There were times when I couldn't relate to them and one of them even commented that I was too silent. I dunno, I felt like the friendship is still too immature that I can't be open to them just yet. When I'm with my friends, I'm usually the loudest and I never run out of things to say but when I've only known people for less than a month, I don't get comfortable easily. But don't get me wrong, they're a lot of fun to be with, it's just that I need to get a feel of their personality first before I go ahead and introduce mine. Does that even make sense?

On another note, I received a text from my sister yesterday and it's official, I'm going to Hongkong on the first week of July. I'm really excited since it's the first time I'm going out of the country and I know it's weird but I just can't stop thinking about it. I just hope everything will go according to plan. It has to! I know I will have a lot of long and difficult days ahead so this trip is definitely a good motivation for me. Can't wait!

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