Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 108: Sunday's Best

It seems like my body clock has finally adapted to waking up early in the morning. During weekends when I have all the right to sleep late and wake up even later, my mind and body seem to protest and I end up opening my eyes in the wee hours of the morning like it was wired to, and I can never go back to sleep again. I'm not complaining though (well, maybe a teensy bit) but I figured it's an advantage anyway because I get to do a lot of things instead of obligingly being lazy.

With that being said, I woke up at seven in the morning today even if I slept very late last night, though I officially got up at nine (yes, the rolling and tossing and turning and debating whether I should get up or not took two long hours.haha) with the bottle of beer being the first thing that caught my eye when I woke up. I didn't finish all of it but I felt really good after a couple of sips. And I rarely drink, if you may notice. I don't know, I just felt like it was the best thing to do on a Saturday night (c'mon, I know you had those moments too).

I figured it might rain in the afternoon so I had no choice but to get up and get dressed for the mass. The priest's sermon was pretty long but it was very insightful, to say the least. I then took my lunch and had my usual reading session at the coffee shop. I'm almost halfway reading Murakami's Kafka on the Shore but I couldn't stay long because it was getting too crowded and noisy so I decided to go home after an hour. And now I'm wide awake because when I got home, I dozed off and slept for more than two hours. I guess someone's sleeping late again tonight.

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