Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 84: Negative Vibes

I'm finally able to squeeze this post despite my busy schedule (no, really I'm just waiting for my life to be regenerated so I can crush more candies, if you know what I mean). So, as promised, I'm trying to get back to my daily post and updates on this blog even if it means not having to visit Facebook that much.haha

Well, today, work was really stressful and it's one of those days when I feel like I'm not in the zone and no matter what I do, the negative vibes just won't go away. I felt so drained right after shift that it felt almost all of my energy got sucked out of me. I was planning to go home right after but I was able to say yes to one of my gym buddies that I'll finally go back to gym today so I really had to go and so I ended up going home later than usual.

Speaking about work, there's been a miscommunication between two people from our team today and they had a very heated discussion during our huddle. I don't really know the whole story so I don't have the right to comment about it but it kinda added to tge negative vibes I was feeling today. But since our team is doing really well with our stats, the management bought us pizza and lifted me up a little. It's just sad that the feud was never really sorted out.

Anyway, I'm actually pretty tired so I'm gonna keep this post short. Until tomorrow then!

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