Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 59 and 60: Movie Marathon

My weekend was spent ever so privately.

As what I always prefer, I stayed at home and watched movies all day Saturday. Being a bookworm, I've developed a new kind of fascination for films that I decided to gorge myself with endless movie streaming online. I watched The Silver Linings Playbook and now I know why people have a sheer appreciation for Jennifer Lawrence's talent and what she does with it. Opposite her, Bradley Cooper was not a disappointment either, totally taking a different direction from his role in The Hangover. Together, they waltzed in craziness only they could portray.

I also watched The life of Pi which took me to new heights in understanding trust, faith and religion. I actually bought the book a few years ago but never really had the interest of reading it. It's a shame, I know. And now I can't find my copy anywhere. I know I could just download an ebook online but this is one of those books I'd rather have a hard copy of. An ebook would just not give justice to the brilliance that is Yann Martel.

Pitch Perfect was next in line with it's unparalleled musicality and humor. I never thought Ana Kendrick could sing like that. Such talent was wasted in Twilight. The movie was an epic adaptation of Glee giving it's viewers the performance they were expecting and even more. I also started watching Zero Dark Thirty, a clear steer from the drama and feel good entertainment by the previous three films. Although I have yet to finish it, I have a feeling it will be amazing. Let's just hope it won't disappoint.

So, there goes my weekend! My back has been killing me from watching all of these films, I'm planning to get a massage tonight to cap off the week and get ready for Monday. Talk to you tomorrow!

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