Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One step closer

I was supposed to finish this post last night, but gahd, my brain was not cooperating with me. It took a lot of staring and backspacing before I realized nothing is ever gonna come out of it. So I decided to badger my draft again and sleep it off.

Let's start this off with a clean slate. 

Last Monday, I was invited for a thanksgiving lunch by my friend Zhy for her brother Jag who recently passed the CPA board exam. I was to meet Tiffy at their quarters at around 11.30 in the morning but guess what? Yes, I was late again. I knoooow, I am the worst in time management. 

Biang RN, Jag CPA, Tiffy RN. Yey!

So anywhoay, I'm gonna talk about the celebrant. Not that I have any authority or whatever, but I'm just gonna base it on Zhy's stories about him. He is one of the most hardworking and smart people I have known. He has been a constant honor student in high school and was really doing well in college. Which is why it didn't came as a surprise to me that he passed his local board exam. I know Zhy would probably rant on me for giving such praises but I know she's proud of her brother as well. Denial is one of her defense mechanisms, you know.haha


With Zhy in med school, I believe Jag too, is going to law school by next year. My, look at these two, they never stop, do they?haha. I know I'm not family but I can't help but be proud of their constant passion for their ambitions. So as my title goes, they are already one step closer to where they want to be. I silently envy that kind of hunger and drive 'coz I know it takes real courage to not only dream but to actually wake up and live and work hard for that dream. And they both have that.

Okay, I think that's about enough flattery for now.haha. You might notice most of the pictures here are about food. Well, I got no explanations for that, aside from the fact that everything was delicioso!! Thank God I was wearing a loose shirt.haha. I hope you ate already, 'coz if not, these pictures would torture you. Yuuummeeeh!!

Zhy's home-made lasagna. Yummy!!

We didn't get to eat this 'coz were so full already.haha

The three of us were actually wearing closely near shades of pink that day. Since we didn't get a chance to photograph ourselves together, see what I'm wearing on the first picture.

Tiffy and Zhy.

Another reason why I came was too check out the dress Zhy was constantly raving me about. I was actually having second thoughts about it but immediately made up my mind when I put the dress on. She was right, I loved it. I might wear it on my next snapshot. Can't wait!!



  1. it should be "my bestfriend zhy" hahaha..nice one ivy nice blog as always :)) btw thank u for being proud for us,let's continue to pray for that one step closer :)) TCCIC vy!

  2. yes, i agree.. it should have been "my bestfriend zhy".. hahahaha ;)) nice blog ivy jane.. keep it up.. post something more bout me.. ;)
