Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 147: Better Days Are Coming

I am so freakin' tired!

Uhmm. Well, not really. I just wanted to start this post with something a little intense and with the word 'freakin' to it. It's not entirely a lie, just a half-baked truth. Oh my, am I even talking sense here? What is the matter with me?

Okay, let's start over. My day started out a wee bit frustrating today. Besides the irritating fact that I woke up early again even without meaning to, I also found out my scores for yesterday were not at all impressive. I had to pep talk myself out of my acute depression which was not an easy task. I still cringe with disappointement just with the though of it but there's no point looming over what's already done. So, I had to brush it off and move on.

I decided to watch The Notebook as a lift-me-upper and it worked for a while, until my crappy and ever so reliable internet connection decided to go against me. I only made it halfway through the movie so I went to sleep. I was planning on bailing out of my afternoon jog date with a friend but I figured it would do me good to get some fresh air anyway so I went on with it. And boy was I right.

After the jog and a little aerobics, I felt so much better and my happy hormones got back on track in no time. August is just around the corner and I better gear myself up for it. New goals, new plans, all in pursuit of a better me. Let's start the month right, shall we?

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