Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 86: Gelato-filled Friday

Weekends have become my favorite ever since I started out working. With the current job I have right now, I'm enjoying the perks of having to work in a normal day shift and weekends off. Although I prefer to spend my weekends just lounging around amd reading a book or watching movies, it's one of my most cherished moments mainly because U get to spend time with myself which I don't get to do so when I'm at work on weekdays. I get to destress and regain my energy and emotional stability back after a week's worth of workload.

I don't know, maybe I got a little too excited for the weekend that I didn't do too well on my calls today. I'm pretty sure not all customers I assisted today were happy of the service I have provided them and a lot of times, I shamelessly lost my patience explaining the bills to the customer. But anyway, we got a lot of off the phone activities so it was fine. And usually every Friday, I immediately go home to officially start my weekend off. This time though, I decided to go out with some of my wavemates. And guess what we loaded ourselves with? GELATO! One of my friends have this buy one get one card so we took advantage of it and I never regretted it even one bit. I deserve this cheat day too, you know!

I ended up going home really late because when we got rained on and it did't stop until around seven in the evening. So anyway, what are your plans for the weekend?

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